Get to Know Abby Reamsnyder

Hi, I'm Abby Reamsnyder. I minister in Germany Koeris.

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Learn more about the ministry in Germany Koeris.

About Abby

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! I do not remember exactly when, but I know that He saved me at some point in my childhood—I don’t know if it was when five or eighteen, or if it was some time in between. Jesus is also the one who has continued His good work in my life up until now. I was taught about Him from a very young age, and He has protected and shielded me from a lot through my life. Even in times when I wasn’t following Him, He has been so faithful.

After I graduated high school, I went to the Bible Institute up in New York from 2013 to 2015. Those were formative years, but still difficult sometimes, and the Lord taught me a lot about His Word and different forms of ministry. I loved my experiences with camp ministry and the short term missions trips I got to go on. After my two years at the BI in New York, I wanted to finish my degree, so I went on to study Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University in Columbia, SC. As a part of my major I had to do an overseas internship, and God led me to go to Germany, even though that wasn’t my first choice of a place to go. He taught me so much during my trip in the summer of 2018. I got to help with Word of Life Germany’s English camp program, and I remember one afternoon, sitting with some of my campers, listening to them share their stories and talking through a passage of scripture, thinking, “I want to come back here someday.” Ever since that trip, the Lord has put Germany on my heart in a way that I didn’t expect! I didn’t think I would enjoy my time there as much as I did, and then I was able to return for another trip in 2019. The Lord taught me so much on both of those trips through German believers, and He showed me the great need for the Gospel and solid discipleship in such a spiritually dark country.

For the past few years, I’ve been working at this sweet children’s home ministry in the Smoky Mountains called Wears Valley Ranch. It’s incredible! That’s where I am as I’m beginning to raise support to go to Germany. For the past year or so, I’ve been uncertain as to how long the Lord would keep me here at the Ranch. All the while, returning to Germany has been on my heart. I can’t say that the Lord showed me in this wild, drastic way that I should be a missionary overseas, but I know that He has put the country of Germany and its people on my heart, and often the Lord shows us what He wants us to do through the things He has created us to love. Habakkuk 2:14 says, “for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” If we believe that is true, we should act in obedience in every season we’re in to spread the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. I pray that my time in Germany will be a bit of that obedience. Let’s see what the Lord will do.

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 1 Corinthians 1:25-31 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord."

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Schroon Lake NY 12870

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