Hi, I'm Abby Moffitt. I minister in Revive.
Revive is a ministry that mainly focuses on traveling to different schools and churches along the east coast to minister through leading worship and spreading the truth of the Gospel. This year I will be playing keyboard on the band, as well as having many opportunities to minister to kids in small group settings.
Learn more about the ministry in Revive.
I grew up in a family that loved God and was actively involved in our local church. I put my faith in Jesus when I was seven years old. I was cleaning up my room before bed one night when I started reading a tract that I found on my floor that I had taken from my church lobby.
The tract walked through the basics of salvation:
1. God is holy and cannot sin. (I Peter 1:16)
2. All humanity has sinned and is in need of a Savior. (Romans 3:23)
2. God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to be born of a virgin and live the perfect, sinless life that only He could live. (John 3:16)
3. Jesus was crucified and died on a cross for the payment of our sins. (Romans 5:8-9)
4. Jesus didn't stay dead, but instead He rose again three days after being buried. (I Corinthians 15:3-4)
The tract went on to explain that in order for me to be saved from my sin, I needed to confess that I am a sinner to God and believe that only Jesus can save me from my sins. Since I grew up surrounded by sound, biblical teaching in both my church and school, I already knew all of that information and believed it to be true, so I decided to pray that night and ask Jesus to save me from my sins.
After that, I struggled all throughout school with assurance of my salvation. I rededicated my life to God many times but didn't know how to actually live a life dedicated to Him. After high school, I decided to take a year of my life to study the Bible at Word of Life Bible Institute. I learned a lot about God's Word and what it means to live a life of honest worship for Him. After first year, God opened up the opportunity for me to join Revive, and I'm looking forward to serving Him through this ministry!
Abby Moore
4200 Glendale Rd #1557
Pottersville, NY 12860
Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.
If you have any questions or comments email us at donations@wol.org.
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