Get to Know the Moura Family

Hi, we're Airton and Vera Moura. We minister in Brazil Southeast Sao Paulo.

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Ministry Description

The Mouras have been serving at Word Life ministries in Brazil since 1977. For many years Airton and Vera served as the chief of counselors at WOL camps in Atibaia and in Curitiba. Currently Airton directs the seminary Post Graduate program. It is a privilege and a great opportunity to train pastors and church leaders from all over the country through our two Master’s programs, one in Ministry and the other one in Theology and Bible Exposition. At the seminary, both for the resident and for the Master’s students, Airton teaches Biblical Counseling and frequently speaks at conferences and churches throughout Brazil about the conflicts between psychology and the Bible. His background in psychology gives him the authority and tools to defend the sufficiency of the Bible to deal with man’s heart problems – which psychology treats as diseases. Vera has an important ministry to the wives of seminary students.

Learn more about the ministry in Brazil Southeast Sao Paulo.

About Airton

My father was not Christian, but my mother was. She did her best raising all her 11 children in a Christian environment attending a Baptist Church. When I was 16 years old, my father got cancer and went through several surgeries. It was during this time of suffering and pain that he came to know the Lord as savior. A few months later he died. The day of his funeral I started thinking about my spiritual condition and I soon realized that I was not saved. Some weeks later I accepted the Lord as my personal savior. In 1977 when I was finishing my theological training, the Lord called me to a full-time ministry. Then I left my job as manager of a department of an International Bank and joined the staff of Word of Life in Brazil. I praise God for the privilege to serve Him for all these years at this blessed and outstanding organization surrounded by great evangelical leaders.

About Vera

I grew up in a Christian home in a rural area where there was a very small church, which our family could not attend regularly. However, every week my father used to reunite us around the table to listening to Word of Life Radio Program. One day, when I was 10 yrs. old, my father heard that Harry Bollback and Harold Reimer were looking for a family to take care of the camp. My father got so excited with this opportunity to be closer to these men who had been blessing his family with the clear and profound gospel messages. It did not take long for our family to move to the Atibaia WOL Youth Camp. What a privilege it was for our family to enjoy and participate of the camp activities! One night, after preaching a powerful and clear presentation of the gospel, Harry Bollback challenged the campers to confess their faith in Christ, I was one of those who went forward. So, I have the privilege to grew up, to be saved and to serve at Word Life in Brazil. What a privilege it is for me having grown at Word of Life camp, be saved and to work as missionary in this institution in Brazil.

1 Timothy 1:12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry

Contact Information
Airton & Vera Moura
Alameda Jatoba, 260 – Recanto Tranquilo -
Atibaia -
12949-187 - São Paulo – Brazil -
E-mail: –
Home phone: 55 11 44151096

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Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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Phone: 518.494.6000

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 600,
Schroon Lake NY 12870

Shipping Address:
4200 Glendale Road
Pottersville, NY 12860