Get to Know the Gonzalez Family

Hi, we're Elias and Yani Gonzalez. We minister in Honduras.

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Ministry Description

Junto con el ministerio de Palabra de Vida, servimos al Señor en el área de Clubes Bíblicos, visitando iglesias, realizando entrenamientos para lideres y discipulados. Tambien en campamentos y actividades especiales que se realizan durante el año. Visitamos colegios con el objetivo de predicar el evangelio, lo cual es una gran oportunidad que tenemos en nuestro pais.
Tambien servimos al Señor en nuestra iglesia local, con discipulados, los jóvenes mayores y la enseñanza.
Along with the Word of Life staff, we serve the Lord in the area of Bible Clubs—visiting churches, doing training sessions for leaders, and discipling others. We are also a part of the camps and special activities that are done throughout the year. We visit high schools with the purpose of preaching the Gospel, which is a great opportunity that we have in our country.
We also serve the Lord in our local church, with discipleships, the young adults’ group, and teaching.

Learn more about the ministry in Honduras.

About Elias

Naci en una familia cristiana y recibi a Cristo a los 9 años de edad. En Enero del 2019, estando en Honduras, el Señor me llamó a servirle a tiempo completo. Es por eso que ese mismo año decidí ir al Instituto Bíblico Palabra de Vida Argentina, para prepararme y volver a Honduras a Servir. Es asi que terminé mis estudios en el Instituto Bíblico, y en Diciembre de 2022 estabamos llegando a Honduras, listos para servir con el equipo de PDV.
I was born in a Christian home, and I received Christ when I was 9 years old. In January 2019, while in Honduras, the Lord called me to serve Him in full-time ministry. Because of that calling, I decided that year to go to the Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina so that I could prepare myself and return to Honduras to serve. When I finished my studies at the Bible Institute, we came back to Honduras, ready to serve with the WOL staff.

About Yani

Naci en una familia cristiana, conoci de Jesus desde pequeña, pero reecien en mi juventud entregue mi vida por completo a Cristo. En Septiemebte del 2019, mientras estaba estudiando en Palabra de Vida Argentina, el Señor me llamó a servirle a tiempo completo. Con un corazón dispuesto, le dije que si, sin saber todo lo que Dios tenia preparado para mi. Terminé mis estudios en el Instituto Bíblico en 2022, y en Diciembre de ese año estabamos llegando a Honduras, listos para servir con el equipo de PDV. El Señor es fiel.
I was born in a Christian family, I knew about Christ since I was a little girl, but it wasn’t until my teen years that I gave my life completely to Christ. In September 2019, while I was studying at Word of Life Argentina, the Lord called me to serve Him full-time. With a willing heart, I said “yes”, without knowing all that God had prepared for me. I finished my studies at the Bible Institute in 2022, and in December of that year we came to Honduras, ready to serve with the WOL staff. The Lord is faithful.

"Te bendeciré... y serás bendicion..." Génesis 12:2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "and I will bless you... so that you will be a blessing." Genesis 12:2

Contact Information

Elias Gonzalez
Word of Life Honduras
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

Give by mail

Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

Give by phone

Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.

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Contact Info

Phone: 518.494.6000

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 600,
Schroon Lake NY 12870

Shipping Address:
4200 Glendale Road
Pottersville, NY 12860