Hi, I'm James Turner. I minister in the Czech Republic.
Word of Life Czech Republic is a small team to reach a big world, with over 10 million people living in the Czech Republic and more than 75% of the population being openly irreligious (atheist or agnostic), and a team of only 5 couples with a few extra staff members there is a major need for people to simply come and minister to the Czech Republic which is the most atheistic nation in Europe, and possibly the world. I will be filling a variety of needs and roles as needed by the team which is what I enjoy doing. I am a jack-of-all-trades person who loves to meet needs wherever they are found, and so being someone who can fill in wherever needed in reaching the Czech Republic will by a major part of this ministry.
A major part of Word of Life's ministry in the Czech Republic is their summer and winter camps. This is a huge love and passion of mine, as my life was changed at one of Word of Life's camps. So, I will be able to serve in the multitude of camps they have for teens or children to be able to come for a week or weekend of fun, fellowship, and hearing about God's word. God has equipped me for this greatly as I have served in a variety of positions in Word of Life's camping ministry in Florida and New York ranging from activities, kitchen, and counseling the youth. I am ready, willing, and able to run head first into camp to make sure that the youth of Czech Republic are hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Another big part of our ministry in the Czech Republic is partnership with the local church. There are few evangelical churches in the Czech Republic because of it's irreligiosity and Catholic influences, and so we strive to partner with the churches that are in the Czech Republic to help them thrive and reach the people of the Czech Republic by simply doing life alongside them. The church is simply a gathering of the disciples of Christ, and discipleship is how Jesus told us to share the gospel and reach the world--Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8.
Speaking of Discipleship, that is the last major part of the ministry I will be a part of the in the Czech Republic. Word of Life Czech Republic is in the process of starting a new discipleship program to reach people at all ages in Czech Republic, but especially the youth and young adults. There is something different about connecting 1-on-1 life on life, or in small groups that is so special about discipleship. It creates a deep connection and the fellowship that I believe Jesus wanted us as His disciples to have to show and shine His love--John 13:34-35. Discipleship is a major passion of mine, and what I am going to be doing long-term as of now, and so God has provided a beautiful opportunity for me to step onto a team and ministry that I can be a blessing to by helping meet their needs, and be blessed by through the nature of the ministry that I'm being given the opportunity to do lining up with my passions and long-term goals.
Learn more about the ministry in the Czech Republic.
I was born and raised in a Christian home, but not your typical Christian home. I was raised in 4 acres of woods and homeschooled, and my mom was on bedrest for most of my life while my dad was at work providing for our family most days until later at night. This means I grew up without real connections and pretty much left to raise myself, and what happens when a sinful person raises themself? They fall into sin. I knew what the gospel was, and I even believed it at a very young age, but I hadn't accepted it yet, I hadn't accepted that relationship with Jesus, I didn't realize what I had to do. So I grew up, and as I grew up I fell into sin, saying things I shouldn't say, doing things I shouldn't do, and watching things I shouldn't watch. This only got worse when we moved and got put into public school because of the multitude of bad influences in public school. But in-between my 8th and 9th grade years of school I went to a camp called Word of Life the Coast and God changed my life.
They have a campfire night at Word of Life camps that centers around dedicating your life to Christ, and that's where my life changed. I knew what was good, I had grown up in the church, but I wasn't living what was good--in God's ways. I was living like a sinner, and my life was a scarred mess. That night is when, after hearing the gospel all my life, I decided to go all-in on the gospel. My way of life was destroying me, so I wanted to live Jesus' way the way He promised. My cry to God that night was, "God I can't keep living my way, I choose your way! I want you to not only be my savior, but my Lord and Savior." Since then that cry has been my passion. I want to live God's way and help others to live God's way and discover how beautiful it can be, it's my life's goal, and that's what led me to ministry. Over time I realized I wouldn't be satisfied doing anything less than living fully for God, and for me that meant full-time ministry. God told me to do camp crew in the summer of my senior year, and to spend 1 year at the Word of Life Bible Institute
So I decided to go to the Word of Life Bible Institute in Florida and in New York for another year, rigorously studying the Word of God, deepening my relationship with God, and growing in my faith through practical ministry experience for 2 years. It started out as one, but quickly I knew that I wanted to go for a 2nd year. This was especially because God revealed to me very clearly what He wanted me to do--CCI. This stands for Cross-Cultural Internship, which is a program that Word of Life runs where students can become interns with one of Word of Life's teams overseas as a missionary for 2 years while finishing their degree online. This just gave me another reason to come back for my sophomore year at Word of Life, and now here I am. Raising support in the fall of 2024 as a missionary to the Czech Republic for 2 years, and to be a missions and discipleship coordinator in the church after. This is how God changed my life, and this is the short version, if you want to hear more email please email me at jcturner@wol.org or text me at (813) 291-1209.
My mailing address is Word of Life Fellowship - Donations PO Box 600 Schroon Lake, NY 12870, just send it in with my name on it!
My phone number is (813) 291-1209, text me if you have any questions! I am fairly good at getting back to my phone, but I might wait to respond until I have time.
Additional social media that is not on here--My Instagram is thatguy.james
Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.
If you have any questions or comments email us at donations@wol.org.
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