Get to Know the Perez Family

Hi, we're Juan and Yaneth Perez. We minister in Panama.

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Ministry Description

Our responsibility is to obey the call to form a new generation with a passion for evangelism and discipleship in the central region of Panama, where there is the greatest need.

For this mission we work developing Bible club programs in the churches to help them reach the youth and children of their own community. Our weekly schedule is full of meetings with leaders, pastors and disciples, and we visit new churches to help them with their youth ministries. We motivate the young people in the churches to be involved in advancing the gospel. It is our responsibility to support the vision of Word of Life camps, missionary tours, and presentations in the community and in schools with the gospel, until each young person everywhere can hear the gospel and they can grow in their relationship with Christ.

Learn more about the ministry in Panama.

About Juan

I grew up in a dysfunctional, non-Christian family in Panama. Since my childhood, I experienced many evils that led me down a destructive path. When I was 21 years old, a missionary spoke to me about the gospel and at first I resisted him. A few months passed until I was able to meet Christ as my Savior and I went to the youth meeting for the first time which now it is my local church. At the beginning I did not have a good growth, as I struggled with my past life. Thank God, I had people who cared for me and I had a discipleship that helped me a lot so I continued to grow. I realized that in Panama there are many who have heard the gospel, but there is no one who connected them with a church and with a discipleship process. That's when God began to move my heart to fill this need.

Later, I went to the evangelism and discipleship training center at Word of Life Panama where my passion for youth ministry grew. In 2022 we went to training at the Institute of Word of Life Mexico where my wife Yaneth and I better and more broadly developed the vision in the One we want to invest in the rest of our lives. John 15:16

About Yaneth

I was born in Peru of non-believing parents, and I was always alone or at the home of a relative. I searched in the streets to fill the love of family, until a friend invited me to her church. I remember the pastor talking about the love of God and how He loved us in Jesus. That day my heart broke and I decided to receive the love of God. That day I knew how much God loved me, and that I would never be so alone again.

I began to grow in the church learning to serve the Lord. I met some missionaries in Macará, Ecuador that greatly influenced my life in the missions. One day their children invited me to Panama to temporarily support them in the care of their children. I began to attend the church where I met Juan, now my husband, and together with our 4-year-old son Josías. We have prayed a lot, and God opened the door for us to join the Word of Life Panama team.

In my life I have experienced that God calls and trains and meets the needs not for myself, but for the purpose for which he called us. My family and I have decided to serve the Lord with our gifts and talents to reach the youth with the gospel of Christ.

Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. John 15:16.

Contact Information
Juan & Yaneth Pérez
Word of Life Panama
P. O. Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.

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Contact Info

Phone: 518.494.6000

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 600,
Schroon Lake NY 12870

Shipping Address:
4200 Glendale Road
Pottersville, NY 12860