Hi, I'm Becca Ragland. I minister in Hungary.
My responsibilities in the position as the Dean of Women are to lead, guide, motivate, and mobilize the Women of the Hungary Word of Life Bible Institute with passion, purpose, and potential for a life worthy of the call as a Christ follower. It will be expected of me to live in a way that reflects Christ in all areas such as my relationships, my time, and my resources giving God the glory always.
Learn more about the ministry in Hungary.
Before Christ I had little understanding of my value and worth. I did not grow up in a household where love was practiced. My dad left when I was little and my family struggled in various ways. I was looking to be seen, known, and loved in multiple things and people that ultimately left me empty. I knew about the name of Jesus but I did not KNOW Jesus personally.
Jesus met me at age 14 when I was in the middle of trying to “figure” out who I was and He revealed Himself to me of who HE IS. Jesus answered a big prayer request of mine that showed me that He is faithful, trustworthy, and good more so than anyone I have ever known. I clearly heard the Gospel and I knew that I wanted Jesus to come into my life and change me. And He did just that and I dedicated my whole life to following Him. I spent two years studying the Bible at the Word of Life Bible school in the states. By studying, I understood that Matthew 28 was not just a call but a command to go for believers. I knew I had to step out in faith and "go" to wherever He called. I did two years in Brazil serving with kids from the streets and through that I developed a love and passion for evangelism and discipleship. Through God's guidance, He led me to serve with Word of Life in Hungary teaching, sharing, and discipling young people to know, understand, and apply the Word of God. I am able to trace God's faithfulness in my life and all glory goes to Him!
"God chose you and me. We are the means, the method, the object, and the delivery vehicles in sharing the Good News!"
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