Hi, we're Scott and Abby Morrison. We minister in Australia.
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Our ministry consists of creating opportunities and platforms within the community and the Church to reach youth with the Gospel of Christ. We run exciting evangelistic events and speak at school seminars. We are seeking the Lord’s leading on developing a camp ministry as well. Some of these events are “KICKOFF,” “Battle Zone,” and “FUSION”. But our main focus wherever we serve, is to share the Gospel!
Learn more about the ministry in Australia.
Hi! I am Scott!
I was born in a loving Christian family that taught me Christian disciplines from a young age. My father was a significant example of showing Christian love in the way he treated people and cared for them. My salvation experience started when I was in year 6 (the Aussie way of saying 6th grade). I was at my church youth program on Sunday. My teacher at the time, Martin Spies, was explaining that the relationship with Christ had to be a personal one. No one could make that decision for me. At that moment, I realised He was my Lord and Saviour and I wanted that relationship. God continued to fashion me into the man he wanted. I finished school with a passion for missions….but did not know where to begin. I knew I wanted to offer something practical, so I started training as a mechanic. God moved me out of that line of work 3 years later after I realised I was moving away from my God. I decided to wait on Him and what He would have in my life. A year later, I had worked in many different jobs as different things when God brought the right people into my path. This was when the director of Word of Life Australia, asked me to be an intern. That year I saw God use everything that He did in my life to send out the Gospel and after that it was clear to me that I needed to continue in the ministry. I have now been working with Word of Life for just over 9 years and am looking forward to seeing His ministry flourish.
Hello, my name is Abby.
I grew up in a Christian home with godly parents who poured truth into my life. At age 5, I came to know Christ as my personal Saviour. But being so young and unwise, I did not develop that relationship with my Lord. As a result, I turned away from Him. Between ages 9-13, I was very bitter from past hurts and hardened my heart towards God. I knew that I was wrong, but I was too ashamed to seek help. So I continued going down the wrong path. I ran as far away from the Lord as I could but thankfully He didn’t let me get far. I was so convicted but I was too afraid to change, until the summer of 2013 when I attended summer camp with my cousin. On the Wednesday of that week, the pastor shared about what it meant to be saved and how we are offered salvation. He read Ephesians 2:8-9, which has become one of my life verses. During his message, I broke down in tears. I saw that I had been running from God and I knew I needed to change. I prayed that God would forgive me for running from Him and I prayed that He would use me in any way He chose. After that, I felt so relieved. It was like an actual weight was lifted from me. I began studying God’s Word for myself and trying to grow. I joined a girl small group and got some good, godly counsel. Since then, I have felt God calling me to full-time ministry on the mission field. I attended Word of Life Bible Institute to gain more knowledge and deepen my faith. This is where Scott and I met. Scott shared with me his heart for the youth ministry in Australia and God began to soften my heart towards the same ministry. It fills my heart with joy to be serving the youth of Australia by proclaiming the Gospel and showing each one the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
US Mailing Address
5432 Orion Ave, Norfolk, VA 23502
AU Mailing Address
7/11 Mission Terrace, Lakewood, NSW 2443
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Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.
If you have any questions or comments email us at donations@wol.org.
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