Get to Know Sharon Huang

Hi, I'm Sharon Huang. I minister in Taiwan.

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Ministry Description

In Taiwan, you can see different beliefs. It may seem like people are able to choose their faith, but the culture of honoring parents and ancestors often influences whether someone is willing to change their beliefs and let Jesus guide their life.

Taiwanese love building relationships with others, they are warm in welcoming and hospitality others sincerely. However, for many Taiwanese, Jesus is seen as a foreign religion, and only 4% acknowledge Him as our Savior.

At Word of Life Taiwan, we have designed a program called SYME. We teach Taiwanese students English through the Bible. While they improve their English skills, we also plant the seeds of the Gospel in their hearts. SYME is a two-month program where missionaries live with students, and many Taiwanese students become curious about our God because of the love and dedication of these missionaries.The SYME program satisfies Taiwanese students' English needs of education, while also introducing non-Christians to Jesus and helping Christians grow in their relationship with God.

In Asia, there are many places filled with spiritual darkness. There are so many people who don't know God, or their cultural background prevents them from making a decision, just as in my situation. I invite you to learn more about what He is doing in Asia and to be a part of His work through prayer, financial support, sharing, and caring!

Learn more about the ministry in Taiwan.

About Sharon

I grew up in a family which has two religions. There have been many Christians on my mother’s side for many generations. When I was young, I went to church with my mom. My dad has a strong faith in Taoism. Out of respect for his beliefs, I was worried that he would be sad because no one will be able to worship him after he dies. Because of this, I struggled to decide what to believe. So I went to temples with my dad to worship his God and our ancestors. I learned the verse in Exodus 20:3 from Sunday school “You shall have no other gods before me’’. Growing up in a country where polytheism was common, I didn’t have knowledge to think I was against the rule from God.

My grandparents were Christians. When I was 21, my grandmother passed away from cancer. I had many questions about life after death because I really wanted to know where my grandma is right now. As a Christian, I know they will go to heaven once they die. But what about people of other religions, like Taoists? They believe in reincarnation. Or do people simply cease to exist? I felt that there had to be one ultimate truth, not just different beliefs based on personal faith. I was so confused and eager to find the answers. After I talked to the elders in my church, I challenged them with many questions. Through these conversations, I came to understand that reincarnation is not real. There is only one life, and the only way to receive eternal life is through Jesus Christ.

I am thankful that even though I lost my grandma on earth, I became a true follower of Jesus. I asked God to be my Savior and was baptized the year after she passed away. From that moment on, I never worshiped any other god. I find peace and joy in our powerful God.

Now, I am studying at Word of Life Bible Institute in Florida. I will complete my first year in August and then return to Word of Life Taiwan to serve in ministry. If God allows and provides, I would love to continue my second year at Word of Life Bible Institute to further equip myself with biblical knowledge. Please pray for my next step!

Contact Information
Phone number: +886 910372322

2F-1, No. 1 Daen St., Xitun District,
Taichung City, Taichung County 40758

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PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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Phone: 518.494.6000

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 600,
Schroon Lake NY 12870

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Pottersville, NY 12860