Get to Know the Hostetler Family

Hi, we're Dwight and Cindy Hostetler. We minister in South Africa.

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BTCP Pastor Training Africa


Ministry Description

Dwight is a WOL Advocate for Africa, assists our Africa Regional Director John Page. Dwight will be seeking to advocate for WOL Africa in different Bible Colleges & Universities throughout the US and Canada. He also is available to represent WOL in Churches, through mission conferences, pulpit supply, etc. Challenging people to get involved in the greatest endeavor, reaching the world for Christ! Dwight also will continue to minister to Pastors in many areas including setting up Bible Training Centers for Pastors and Church Leaders (small community Bible Institutes) throughout South Africa and other African countries. He is also a guest lecturer to Berean Bible Inst. WOLZA, Word of Life Africa Bible Inst. in Uganda and Word of Truth Pastors Resource Center in Kenya. He also will be leading some short-term ministry and work-related trips into Africa as opportunities and needs arise.
Cindy teaches English and Biblical Worldview at Berean Bible Inst. & the DTC. She will help in the office as needed and is available to come alongside fellow missionary ladies, students, graduates, and staff in discipleship as needed. She will also accompany Dwight occasionally to teach in ladies' conferences, retreats, or couples seminars.
Hospitality is a vital part of our ministry and we utilize our home to host visitors from various parts of the US or other countries, whether it's missionaries, interns, staff members, or friends.

Learn more about the ministry in South Africa.

About Dwight

I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior when I was 9 years old while a evangelist shared the gospel. When I was 15 my Pastor challenged me to get into the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to teach me. It was from this that I really started to grow and hunger for the Word. This started me on the journey of seeking God's will and plan for my life. As a result He has led me to serve Him in children, youth & adult ministries. I really enjoy challenging other young people to get into the Word of God and allow it to change their lives.

About Cindy

At the age of 4 one evening my brother asked me if I was going to heaven. I told him, I must be Mom and Dad are. He proceeded to tell me that because we have all sinned we need a savior. I realized I had sinned and I knew Jesus had died on the cross. He explained that I needed to ask for forgiveness and believe that Jesus had died for me. That night I accepted Christ as my personal savior. I remember going out and telling my Mom.
Did I understand all that was involved in salvation? No, I simply believed that God's word was true and I needed Jesus to save me from my sins. I don't know of any drastic changes in my life. As a teen I made a public dedication of my life to Christ at WOL Island and gave all my desires, goals and ambitions to Him that day. John 3: 16

We have three adult children, all are married. Perry & Jenna Hostetler and their boys: Travis, Isaiah, Micah, and Liam, They live in the Schoolcraft Michigan area and he is an Associate Pastor at Connections Community Church. Benjamin & Abby Hostetler and their boys: Tomas, Liam, Ezekiel, and Samuel live in York Haven PA. Ben works for PODS company. They are actively serving at their local church. RuthAnn and Tyler Mebust live in Elizabethtown, PA. The have one son, Killian and are actively involved in their local church. We praise the Lord that our family is all striving to serve the Lord where he has planted us.

Philippians 3:10 "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;"

Contact Information
Dwight and Cindy Hostetler
106 Wenzel Ave., Sturgis, MI 49091

Cindy's phone- 269-625-4736
Dwight's phone- 269-625-0455

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Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.

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Contact Info

Phone: 518.494.6000

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 600,
Schroon Lake NY 12870

Shipping Address:
4200 Glendale Road
Pottersville, NY 12860