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Hi, we're Keith and Diana Edwards. We minister in the United States.

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About Keith

I am not 100% sure of my actual conversion. It either happened when I was in 7th/8th grade or when I was 18 and in the Army. When I was younger, my brother was baptized in a pond at camp. I thought that was really cool and wanted to follow him. The children's worker met with me for several basketball / teaching moments and eventually I trusted Christ and was baptized. The problem was that the Pastor's kids attended my middle school and I saw how fake they were. So I decided that I wasn't going to be like them and turned walked away from the church. Neither of my parents were church goers, so I didn't have their support in this area. I joined the Army band program right out of high school. After basic, I attended the Armed Forces School of Music. I met a really nice girl who I liked but she didn't care for me. One day, I asked her why she didn't use profanity. She said that she was a Christian and didn't believe in it. Needless to say, I never swore in her presence. I did eventually win her over, but she said our relationship would go no further until I got right with God. We began to meet and study the Bible. I asked all of my questions and expressed my concern about the hypocrisy of Christians. She answered my questions and my concerns. One night, I prayed to God and either really accepted Him or rededicated my life to Him. From that point on I have continued to learn and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. A verse that I like to take people to when they have a question about salvation is found in John 3:36.

About Diana

I had the privilege to grow up in a Christian home. I went to church from the time of conception. I was a good kid never getting into any real trouble. I assumed because I was a good kid and went to church and did what I was supposed to do that I would go to heaven. When I was 11yrs old on a Sunday night my Pastor was giving a salvation message. He said that even though you are a good person who does right and goes to church it doesn't mean you are going to heaven. He explained that salvation only came through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I was convicted by the Spirit that I bowed my head that night and accepted Christ as my Savior asking for his forgiveness of my sin. It was a moment I would never forget, it changed my life forever. I will admit that my Christian life has aways been filled with victories. I have struggled over the years as the Lord sanctifies me for his glory. I know that the Christian life is a marathon that is run over a lifetime. I am so excited to see what God has in store for me in the days ahead as I strive to serve him and become more like him. One of the verses I use for my testimony is Romans 5:1-2.

Contact Information

Keith Edwards
Word of Life United States
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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Contact Info

Phone: 518.494.6000

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 600,
Schroon Lake NY 12870

Shipping Address:
4200 Glendale Road
Pottersville, NY 12860