Hi, I'm Lydia Duncan. I minister in Poland.
I am the Dean of English for English4Life in Poland. In this role, I minister to volunteers who come from all over the United States to teach and disciple young people at the school. In addition, my role includes recruiting and placing these teachers and our students into classrooms according to their needs and abilities. Word of Life Poland also uses summer and winter camps, conferences, and year-round Bible clubs within the local church to teach the gospel and invest in lives of the Polish youth. My vision is to see these students then come to English4Life where they will be immersed in both English and the Bible, preparing them to serve the Lord well in their local churches and workplaces or wherever God leads them.
Learn more about the ministry in Poland.
I was blessed to be raised in a home with parents that love the Lord. As a result, at the age of 6 I made a decision to trust Jesus to save me. That was when I realized that my family and my good behavior was not enough in God's eyes, and I needed a personal relationship with Jesus.
Throughout my teenage years, God began to challenge me to pursue full-time ministry. Through missions conferences and missions trips, God confirmed in my heart in my late teens that He had called me to the ministry of loving people, seeing them know Jesus, and seeing them fulfilled by a relationship with Him. I attended Word of Life Bible Institute 2012-2014, and in 2013, at a Word of Life Missions Conference, I dedicated my life to full-time missions--wherever I was.
Shortly after making that decision, I had the opportunity to go to Poland on an eight-day mission trip with my second year class. While there, the Lord began to work in my heart. He started to show me the need that Poland has for the truth to be proclaimed and openness of the youth to the gospel. Two years later, God continued to burden my heart for this people, and I returned as a cross-cultural intern (CCI) 2016-2019. Near the end of my internship, God led me to return full-time in 2019 to help launch the English4Life ministry in Poland.
Word of Life Poland
Ćanowa 24/26
95-100 Zgierz, Poland
US Call/Text: +1 (502) 801-5709
Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.
If you have any questions or comments email us at donations@wol.org.
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