Hi, we're Miguel and Gabriela Balbuena. We minister in the Dominican Republic.
Since 2011, we have been serving the Lord in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.
We do this through the local church in Sunday Bible School, Summer Bible School, Young Adults, and Preaching opportunities. Evangelizing and discipling.
Since 2021, after praying for many years, waiting for the time and confirmation of the Lord, we became part of the missionaries team of Word of Life Dominican Republic, where actually we are in charge of the entire northern zone in the opening of new ministries and maintenance of existing ones, with programs for children and young people at severals local churches.
Together with our team of collaborators, we organize the different activities that we carry out through the year with Word of Life, as well as serving in the camps, conferences and evangelistic operations that take place at the ministry's property in Baní, in the southern area and in the capital city.
The Lord is also giving me (Miguel) the privilege of teaching subjects in our Bible Institute (CCM), where every year we receive more than 50 students from the Dominican Republic and other countries.
It is an enormous joy for us to be able to be part of God's work in this beautiful country.
Learn more about the ministry in the Dominican Republic.
I am from the Dominican Republic.
I was not born in a Christian home. My great-grandmother was a Christian and since I was very little she took me to church, until she left to be with the Lord in 1990.
There was a Christian church very close to my house that I sometimes attended, but I did not let God enter my life, I spent many years that way. Until one day, a friend invited me to a Christian church that was in another part of the city, it was a Sunday, I remember being impacted by the Word of God, but I did not make any decision for Christ that day, just that week I bought a Bible and several CDs of Christian music and I returned to church the following Sunday, June 4, 2006, where I told the Lord to show me if He wanted that I make a decision for Him. That day and precisely the day title of the message was: “Why leaving for tomorrow what you can do today?”, I had no more excuses, I had no more reason to fight, so at the end of the message when the pastor made the call, I went ahead asking the Lord to come into my life and forgive all my sins. It was the most wonderful day, my heart was filled with a joy and peace that I couldn't explain.
I began to study the Bible, to pray, to attend church and little by little the Lord was putting a weight on my heart to prepare me more to serve Him, so in 2007 I knew about the Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina and to March 2008 I went to that beautiful place to study. God opened a huge door to achieve this. I quit my job at the bank where I was for 8 years and He provided everything necessary to be there for 3 years studying. While there I met Gabriela, who was already part of the missionary team of Word of Life Argentina. God performed a great miracle uniting our lives, we got married in 2011, coming to live in the Dominican Republic, where to this day we serve the Lord as a family. In 2014 our daughter Aileen was born and in 2018 Matías.
God has been wonderfully good to us. Up to this point He has helped us.
I am Argentinean.
I met Christ as my Savior at the age of 6, in the city of Cordoba.
Being a member of my church since I was little, I attended Bible school and the Bible club.
In 2001, I went to study for 3 years at the Word of Life Bible Institute in San Miguel del Monte, Buenos Aires.
When I finished, I became part of the missionary team there, until in 2011 when I married Miguel, we came to serve the Lord as family here in the Dominican Republic.
God has been very good in our lifes.
- Our fidelity to the Lord day by day.
- Wisdom in raising our children.
- God's provision and financial support for our needs.
Calle Prolongación Beethoven #2
Residencial Alcón II
Arroyo Hondo Viejo
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
Cel.: 1 (809) 402-6118
1 (809) 719-6118
Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.
If you have any questions or comments email us at donations@wol.org.
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