Hi, we're Moses and Brenda Temo. We minister in Papua New Guinea.
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I am the Field Director of Word of Life Papua New Guinea and Brenda is the Administrative Assistant.
Our Ministry’s Objective is to reach the youth of PNG with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Evangelism and Discipleship. We do that through;
- Open Air Evangelism (Gospel Rallies & Street Preaching)
- Public School Ministry
- Youth Camps
- Evangelism Sports Marathons
- Local Church Ministry (We provide biblical programs such as doctrinal Bible study materials, Quiet Time Devotional booklets to the youths of the churches that we partnered with).
- Leadership Training (We provide training for the youth leaders on how they can execute our programs with excellence and the general philosophy on how a Biblical Youth Ministry operates).
Learn more about the ministry in Papua New Guinea.
On January 19th, 1991, I was 7 years old when I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior. My mom shared the Gospel message with me. She clearly walked me through some of the Scriptures in the Bible to make sure that I fully understood. After listening to her attentively, I made a profession of faith, and I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart to be my Personal Savior.
In 2002, I met the Former Word of Life Director Papua New Guinea Field Director for the first time. He challenged and encouraged me to get involved in the ministry. So, in 2004, I decided to serve part-time and It was truly an incredible experience for me. To get involved in Open Air Evangelism, Bible Clubs, Evangelism Sports Marathons, Camps and Discipleship programs really impacted me to go into full-time Ministry.
During the Fall (September) of 2005, God opened the door for me to travel to United States and Study at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Hudson (FL). My first year studying the Word of God helped me to grow and mature in my Faith. The Following year (2006), I went up to Schroon Lake (NY) to do my second year. It was a remarkable year.
In June of 2007, I did my Missionary In Training (MIT) with Word of Life and was accepted as a Full-Time Missionary to my country Papua New Guinea.
By God’s Grace, we will keep on serving Him. Amen!!
I was born on the Island of Curacao (Dutch Caribbean Island), and at the age of nine I trusted Christ as my Personal Savior . After my Salvation I didn’t mature in my walk with the Lord. During my early teenage years, I had a desire to learn more about God and to walk according to His will. In 2002, at the age of 16, I committed my life to the Lord. I prayed that the Lord will lead me to a great Church and couple of months later I was introduced to a biblical Church that taught me Biblical Living.
In 2005, I heard for the first time about Word of Life Bible Institute and that it is “ A Great place to start”. Through much prayer, the Lord convicted my heart and I made the decision to attend the Word of Life Bible Institute in January of 2006 and then 2007.
The Lord has given me a heart for Missions and not only that, He has allowed me to serve Full-Time with my husband in Papua New Guinea. After couple of years we were blessed to have four beautiful daughters, Anestasie (July 28th, 2013), Keziah (March 27th, 2016), Adinah (December 21st, 2018), Tirzah (November 5th, 2023) and our son Jasper (June 23rd, 2021).
I am so grateful for what God is doing for my family and I.
Skype: moses.temo
P.O Box 1427
Goroka, EHP 441
Papua New Guinea
+ (675) 73920109
Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.
If you have any questions or comments email us at donations@wol.org.
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