Hi, we're Tim and Sonya Duncan. We minister in Poland.
Hi Friends,
Sonya and I have been invited to serve on a short term mission trip to Zgierz, Poland on July 11-19, 2025. It’s an opportunity for us to use the English language we already speak as a way to reach Polish young people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and build relationships which last forever. We will be serving on the campus of Word of Life Poland as they host an English camp called, “LevelUp”.
Polish young people are eager to learn our language and we are eager to tell them about Jesus. We are very excited for the opportunity to work with our daughter Lydia who is serving there as a full-time missionary with Word of Life. In order for us to go we are inviting our friends and family to partner with us and be a part of our ministry team. Our financial goal is $4000 which will pay for our airfare as well as room and board while we are there. Will you pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send us there? Will you help us reach our financial goal?
Learn more about the ministry in Poland.
I trusted Jesus to be my Savior at the age of 11 while attending VBS at Clover Baptist Church, Granite Falls, NC. After hearing a message from God's word, I realized I needed to be forgiven. I asked Jesus to forgive my sin and trusted Him as my personal Savior. After joining the US Air Force Sonya and I visited a church off base, Cherryvale Baptist Church where we both grew in our faith. It was at that church God called me to preach. After leaving the military we moved to Chattanooga, TN and I attended Tennessee Temple University where I graduated and went into full time Christian ministry as a youth pastor. After four years, God opened a door for me to be pastor at Fellowship Baptist Church, Newland, NC. I was there for 6 years until moving to Winston Salem, NC to the Sedge Garden Baptist Church. I have been their pastor now for 30 years. God is still working in my life using me to preach the gospel. Sonya and I have been married for almost 48 years, and I thank God for her every day. She is the most awesome pastor's wife and mother to our 3 children, Mark, Matthew and Lydia.
Tim Duncan
Word of Life Poland
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.
If you have any questions or comments email us at donations@wol.org.
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