
Your Gifts Make a Difference . . . One Life at a Time!

Ministry Description

Word of Life Europe is officially working in 18 countries. 400+ full time staff reach out to the young generation with the gospel through camps, dramas and musicals, sports and open air activities. We disciple many young people on a regular basis in kids and youth clubs or individually. More than 180 young people are enrolled in the European WOL Bible Institutes, cross cultural internship and discipleship programs. We are already working with ministry teams reaching out to 5 additional countries, praying for teams to form. In addition, we hope and pray to start initiatives in 5 more countries in the coming 5 years.

Country Description

More than 700 million people live in the 57 countries on the Continent of Europe (including Eurasia), 150 millions are younger than 20 years of age. More than 400 (!) languages are spoken, and there is a huge cultural diversity.
The mayor belief systems are: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Greek / Russian Orthodoxism, Islam and Atheism / Agnosticism. The evangelical community counts about 2.5% of the whole population and is growing slowly at 1% annually. Europe is shaped by 2.000 years of Christianity, a long history of wars and peace treaties, migration and nationalistic episodes.
The last 70 years of peace in north, central and western Europe have resulted in a new generation of people who don't have first hand war experiences any more. Europe's economy is diverse and displays different cultural approaches to life per se. The EU consists of 27 countries (after "Brexit") and form a powerful economic and in parts also a political and legal union. Countries with less economical power profit from the union as well as strong countries. The Schengen area offers free travel of more than 400 million people of 26 States.
The current war crisis in Ukraine has shocked the rest of Europe and the world. Still, the WOL team in Ukraine reaches out to many people with the unchanging message of hope in Jesus. Other catastrophes like the recent earthquakes in southern Turkey and Syria are open doors for sharing Christ as well.
Thank you for praying for revival among the many people on the continent of Europe and Eurasia!

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Contact Information

Word of Life Europe e.V.
Altheimer Str. 66
D-72202 Nagold

Career Missionaries

Robert & Hilde Batdorf

Gabor & Tundi Csikos

Al & Pam Konya

Eduard & Vanessa Schellenberg

Paul & Sandy Timblin

Andy & Esther Wenzel

Lisa Wesle

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Word of Life Fellowship - Donations
PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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Call us at 518-494-6000, option 5, to give with a credit card, debit card, or check. You can also call us if you have any questions.

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Contact Info

Phone: 518.494.6000

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 600,
Schroon Lake NY 12870

Shipping Address:
4200 Glendale Road
Pottersville, NY 12860